IELTS hints & tips
IELTS Prep: 9 tips for highest score:
The first requirement to score 6.0 (at least) on IELTS is excellent knowledge of English language and ability to answer a common question «What is IELTS?».
- Make an idiom dictionary your bed-side book. Keep looking up new idioms and use them in your everyday speech and on the IELTS exam day.
- If usage of some particular word or expression seems doubtful, avoid it. Stick to short sentences.
- Practice English with native speakers, preferably with IELTS tutors who could help you get a new insight into IELTS.
- As IELTS is based on British English, try to follow British English pronunciation and spelling rules.
- Go through a sample IELTS testing.
- If during your preparation you get easily distracted by computer and Internet, try studying for the exam offline. Printing out your prep materials could really help you out and save you time.
- Practice filling in the answer sheet. You have to be very careful and attentive at this point.
- Check out the location of the test centre. Pre-plan the route and the timing.
Considering IELTS sections:
- Read as much as you only can. Even if you don’t like this pass-time, try to interest yourself reading books about your hobbies and English newspapers.
- Get to know the speed reading techniques.
Top Tips for IELTS - Reading:
- Watch TV, listen to the radio, watch relevant YouTube videos (IELTS exam prep videos, native speakers’ interviews, sample IELTS tasks).
Top Tips for IELTS - Listening:
- Practice writing IELTS texts every day.
- Improve your handwriting, make sure it’s legible.
- Don’t leave the test before it’s over, better spend the extra time checking your answers.
Top Tips for IELTS - Writing:
- To prepare for this section it’s reasonable to take an IELTS group course or study with a tutor to practice Cambridge vocabulary IELTS.
- Get rid of your accent and make sure you don’t talk too fast.
Top Tips for IELTS - Speaking:
On the exam day:
- Underline the correct answers in the text, make notes.
- If you didn’t get the interviewer’s question, say: “Could you please repeat your question?” instead of “Uh?”, “Sorry?”, “What?”.
- Provide more than Yes/No-answers.
- You are free to talk “white lies” about yourself if this helps you demonstrate your rich vocabulary.
- Make sure your intonation is expressive enough.
- Be confident.
- Establish eye contact, gesticulate and smile.
- Follow general etiquette rules.
- Don’t ask the interviewer about your results straight away.
In the end of the day, experiment! There’s no “one-size-fits-all” prep formula – try to figure your own. Don’t be afraid.